Clenox Hcl 100 x 0,04mg


CLENOX Hcl is an effective fat burner that has mild anabolic effects, increases lung capacity and prevents muscle catabolism

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You can find Clenox sold under the name Malay Tiger clen. It’s a chemical that resembles a steroid that was originally designed to help with the treatment of asthma in horses. Its purpose was to loosen the animals’ lung airways. However, it slowly found its way into the bodybuilding world, where athletes and professional bodybuilders enjoy its vast range of benefits. Clenox in the human body works as a stimulant of the heart and central nervous system. Its effects are compared to those of epinephrine and amphetamines. As opposed to being a beta-blocker, Clenox is a beta-2-agonist, boosting the production of epinephrine and noradrenaline. The results are fast bat burning, an inflow of energy and excitability, nervousness, and a boost in determination. It helps athletes improve their performance and lose weight due to its ability to speed up the metabolism. Although the body loses weight, it also retains muscle mass and strength, which makes it the perfect bodybuilding supplement.


Before you buy Clenbuterol, it’s essential to understand its dosage recommendations, its cycle, and other basic details. Athletes and bodybuilders who consume Clenbuterol frequently follow and on and off cycle. For example, you can take Clenbuterol for two days and then refrain from taking it the next two days. Alternatively, you can rotate a week of intake with a week of non-taking. The recommended dosage will differ based on gender, tolerance, weight, and other factors. The right dosage in a 2-week cycle is 20 micrograms a day as a start. Increase the dosage by 20 micrograms every day during the first week and then decrease it by 20 micrograms every day during the second week. It’s not recommended to take more than 140 micrograms of Clenbuterol in a day. Clenbuterol can be injected and taken orally. Clenbuterol for sale is available but before consuming the products we advise speaking to your doctor or another medical expert.

The most common side effects associated with the whole group of stimulants are: tremor (shaking hands), insomnia, sweating, headache, increased blood pressure, and feeling sick. Side effects are quite common and likely to occur in each individual taking clenbuterol.

High dose for the purpose of burning fat is usually in the range of 120 – 160mcg daily. However, no one should start at this dose for safety reasons. A rapid increase in dosage or immediate administration of the maximum dose can be very unpleasant and even fatal. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that individuals slowly and gradually increase the clenbuterol dose every day. The first dose should be 20 – 40mcg, and every third day another 20mcg can be added. Clenbuterol is detectable in urine for 20-25 days.


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