Drostanolonum, through its metabolic effects, stimulates the nervous, mental, and physical activities of a patient.Therefore, it should be used with caution in the presence of cardiovascular and renal diseases, especially in the elderly male. Prolonged administration or excessive dosage may cause inhibition of testicular function. As a result, oligospermia may develop, and there may be a decrease in ejaculatory volume. Women should be observed for signs of virilization. Discontinuation of drug therapy at the mild virilism becomes evident is necessary to prevent irreversible virilization.
Drostanolonum propionate is administrated by intramuscular injection. It must not be given intravenously. Intramuscular injections should be given deep in the gluteal muscle.
Males: 200-400 mg per week, given 2-3 times weekly.
Females: for breast cancer treatment 200-300 mg per week, given 2-3 times weekly. For physique or performance enhancing purposes 50-75 mg per week, given 2-3 times weekly.
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