MULTITESTOGER (Testosterone Mix) 250mg

(1 customer review)


Testosterone blend. The substance typically contains four different Testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate (42 mg); Testosterone phenylpropionate (84 mg); Testosterone isocaproate (84mg); and Testosterone decanoate (140 mg), although a lower dosed version is also produced. Blood levels of testosterone are building more slowly, so side effects do not set in as fast. For equal blood hormone levels however, Testosterone will break down equally without regard to ester.

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MULTITESTOGER is a strong androgen, we can expect the typical side effects. This includes oily skin, acne body/facial hair growth and premature balding. The addition of Proscar®/Propecia® should be able to minimize side effects, as it will limit the Testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) conversion process. MULTITESTOGER will also suppress natural testosterone production rather quickly.

An effective dosage ranges from 350mg every 10 days, to 1050mg weekly. Some athletes do use more extreme dosages of this steroid, but this is really not a recommended practice. When the dosage rises above 750-1005mg per week, increased of MULTITESTOGER side effects will no doubt be outweighing additional an benefits.

1 review for MULTITESTOGER (Testosterone Mix) 250mg

  1. Vijay yadav
    December 7, 2018
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