Trenhexal-76 box 10 x 76mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate


TRENHEXAL-76 is the most powerful anabolic steroid possible with sustained release, often used primarily by power athletes and bodybuilders. In addition to high androgenic efficiency, it also has a very high level of anabolic power. In contrast to other high-performance anabolic preparations, TRENHEXAL-76 is not capable of converting into estrogen. It causes only insignificant water retention, which makes it suitable for use primarily in a pre-competition period.

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High harmfulness to the kidneys – particularly in a longer-term application or at higher doses. Strong blood colored urine and pain in the kidneys. When using Trenbolone, it should be recognized that the “hard” and unique side effects result from the fact that it is a 19-nor progestational compound. Trenbolone has notably very strong binding affinity (much stronger than nandrolone) for progesterone receptor. Progestogen side effects are almost identical to estrogenic side effects: severe suppression of endogenous production of testosterone, gynecomastia and water retention (which is not the case with Trenbolone). There are also problems of androgenic nature: acne, headaches, and supposedly enormous aggression and high blood pressure that can be increased because the composition does not cause retention of water and salt.


For beginners or those who are about to take trenbolone hexadrobenzilcarbonate for the very first time, the recommended dose is 300 mg per week. Doses for intermediate users differ from 400 to 500 mg per week. Even experienced users take high doses rarely. In cases like that, the dose is increased to 800 – 1000 mg or more per week (it should be noted that the 800 – 1000 mg trenbolone is the equivalent of 4000 – 5000 mg of testosterone). Each user of trenbolone must take care of sufficiently frequent use of stable and steady levels of substances in the blood. That is, in the case of the hexadrobenzilcarbonate derivative trenbolone should be taken at least every second, or third day. It is prescribed that for each trenbolone cure testosterone is used as well for the maintenance of normal physiological functions of testosterone. Trenbolone acetate is detectable in the body for 4-6 months.


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